Core Values - Client-focused

We are Client Focused

Dedicated. We are action oriented and dedicated to our Clients’ interests with an intensity of effort that distinguishes our lawyers from others.

Prepared. We are prepared and proactive on issues presented to our team. We care deeply about your project, your goals and we‘re committed to always being prepared.

Responsive. We are committed to highly responsive attention to our clients. Whether it’s a phone call, a deliverable, or short notice to attend a meeting, we commit to a rapid response followed by action that focuses on client needs.

Team Players. We are integral members of our Clients’ Team. We bring no ego and are ready to offer solutions. We seek a deeper understanding of our Clients and their goals, which makes us more sensitive to Client concerns and objectives – we are more than just a law firm.

We Practice Excellence

Quality. We perform at a high level, providing the very best legal counsel to our Clients. We strive for excellence, and believe in continuous professional growth, knowing that our lawyers’ practice will be enhanced and Client service will be superior.

Bench Strength. Each person that touches your project is committed to your needs. We aim to develop a culture based on excellence where our Clients never experience a lapse in continuity of service. We focus on Firm Clients, not individual egos.

Disciplined. We are Project Managers. We are disciplined in our communication, coordination, and execution of our projects. We anticipate issues and proactively manage their solutions to exceed Client expectations.

Sound Counsel, Reliable Outcomes. We pride ourselves on creative, business minded, and sound legal advice with reliable outcomes for our Clients. Our business acumen, breadth of experience and lessons learned, fuels creative solutions that meet our Clients’ objectives.

Core Values Practice Excellence

We are People of Character

Honesty. We are always honest and speak with truth. We say what we mean, and do what we say.

Trustworthy. We are trustworthy and commit to earning and keeping the Clients’ trust through our word and action. We know that trust is earned each day and is never to be taken for granted.

Moral Compass. We are ethical and hold ourselves to the highest standard of personal morals and accountability.

Passion. We are passionate about what do, and it shows. We are grateful for each opportunity, and take no Client, work or experience for granted.

Contact Us

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(877) 350-0372

517 E. College Avenue, Tallahassee, 32301

16009 N Florida Avenue, Lutz, Florida 33549

2529 Herschel Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204